Utilizing an Innovative Mindset

Technology today presents endless opportunities for people and businesses to market themselves. Since I am one with an innovative mindset, I am constantly searching for new ways to enhance my professional profile.

I recently learned about a tool called Search Engine Optimization (SEO). If utilized correctly, SEO can maximize the number of times a person’s site gets clicked on. It does this by connecting words that employers or customers may search for with key words on a person’s or business’ website.

Since I am graduating in the near future and will be searching for a job within the next year, it is important to me that I place key words throughout my online profile so that potential employers can discover me. To figure out what phrases I should place on my site, I used the Google Ads Keyword Tool.

This tool offered by Google is helpful and simple to use. All I had to do was type in phrases that I believe accurately describe my experiences and skills, then press enter. The picture below shows my results:

adwordsGoogle. (14 March, 2017). AdWords [Screenshot]. Retrieved from https://adwords.google.com/h ome/tools/keyword-planner/

I was taught that the words with high average monthly searches but low competition are the best to place throughout my site. With that in mind, I created five sentences with the phrases included that I believe will help me be noticed and stand out amongst others:

  1. After I teach English in Spain for 10 months I will be bilingual, as I will know how to speak Spanish.
  2. Being a fitness enthusiast with a Marketing degree, I am positive that I would excel in health promotions.
  3. While interning at the headquarters of Lake Michigan Credit Union I developed a passion for creating content marketing campaigns.
  4. My experiences throughout my internships, classes, and my personal life have set me up to succeed as a social media specialist. 
  5. My experience abroad will allow me to bring an open mind and a diverse mindset to the workplace.

From here on out, I will be using the Google Ads Keyword tool way more often!

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